2 minutes reading time (371 words)

Jack & his Paper Strip


In researching information for my presentation Masqueraders (see All Has Not Been Quiet On The Western Shore!) at this years APA Conference in Melbourne, I noticed the exceptionally poor prognosis when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.


Sure more people die from lung cancer, but if you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, your 5 year survival rate is basically less than 5% and this figure has hardly changed in the past 30 years. The poor survival rate relates back to the method of diagnosis that is poorly specific, expensive and only detects cancer late in the disease process - too late really for effective therapy.


That may all be about to change as the result of some ingenuity and heavy lifting from a motivated 15 year old called Jack Andraka. While back grounding himself on information he had a Eureka moment in his Biology class, as he listened to his teacher about antibodies and was reading about carbon nanotubes .... but you can hear his story in this video clip;


Drop this link into your browser : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-ycQufrgK4


Go Jack. Apart from his amazing 2 + 2 revelation in relation to pancreatic cancer, it is quite likely this approach could have ramifications for many other cancer detections and who knows possible treatments as well. I had a smile from ear to ear to see how his persistence and follow through had such stunning effect.


You can follow more about Jack here.




Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist

email doug@aapeducation.com.au

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