By Jacob Hodara on Friday, 14 August 2015
Category: Clinical Kit Newsletters

Clinical Kit - 23/9/2015 - Exercise Prescription Made Easy - VideoXs

Call it the farmer in me, but when faced by a challenge I am looking for the simple and sensible solution. There is usually more than one option, but I am guided by simple and sensible. Daisy is lead in my focus group on the farm, and will pretty well let me know when I am heading in the wrong direction.

How do cows talk? - Through their action and by my observation. Ovulating - ride other cows, in pain - hang to the back, hungry - moo when I come in eyesight, curious - lift their heads and sniff, danger - facing the direction head on. Being herd animals, I am always looking for the cow that is behaving differently. So when I was thinking about the options of improving the way I provide home exercises, Daisy's principals of simple and sensible guided me.

There are plenty of exercise programs available now. Generally I believe them to be more complicated and therefore losing flexibility and more costly than is necessary.

Simple and Sensible


The smart phone looks like the platform of the near term future. Rate of uptake in each generation increases, processing power increase annually and smart phone usage has expanded into ID, banking, online research and purchasing. So if everyone basically has one, why not use the smartphone as the IT platform for VideoXs.


With your client in front and you teaching them their exercises, why not take the next logical step of videoing them while they perform their exercise (hence the program's name - VideoXs). No need to search video libraries, or being frustrated that your particular variation of an exercise is not available. In the same way, no need for ongoing membership, cloud based linkage or monthly fees to access a database.

Complete Package

Correctly performing exercises is part of the bigger solution. For this reason VideoXs enables you to identify problems (Problem Module), and set goals (Goals Module) in addition to teaching specific exercises. The Solutions Module in VideoXs is divided into strength, flexibility and customisable exercises.


Again to keep it simple, VideoXs sends the exercise program via email, in a format that is across plat

forms - so not limited to Mac, Linux or PC users. VideoXs offers the options of email imbedded or pdf attached. The latter enables printing, great to give to clients without an email address/travellers or attach to their electronic patient notes for future reference.

Progressive Development

Initially I designed VideoXs for personal use and it was released in iPhone and iPads versions. Over the past 2 years it has been a pleasant surprise how popular VideoXs has been with therapists and also personal trainers. As a result we are now in the testing stage of an Android version.

We are looking for 5 android users who would like to be part of the testing program. Please email me if interested. Be great to hear from you.

Love to hear your thoughts and experiences.

Doug Cary FACP
Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009)
PhD Candidate Curtin University
Clinical Director AAP Education


ph/fx: 08 90715055

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