With only a short time till the main Christmas break I trust that you have booked off some serious time quality time with family and friends. Also sometime with yourself to reflect on the year that has passed and what you have achieved, plus light some candles to represent your goals for next year.
Clinical Grooves
Professional development for me personally is the lifeblood of our profession. With time pressures it is too easy to continue repeating what was done yesterday, without reflection that there maybe a better way. This is not to say that years of treating experience are not as important as the new paradigm or in vogue technique. Not at all. Learning in our profession is very much a daily process of experience, if you avail yourself to the possibility
Being in a clinical groove, can mean being efficient, but often things get treated the same way. To get out of the groove and consider alternatives means breaking habits. Breaking habits means taking risks, moving out of our comfort zone and considering alternatives. Are you a risk taker?
Deciding to attend a course puts you in a physical place without non clinical distractions, focuses you on new content & concepts and opens up interactions with like-minded professionals, also seeking to improve their client management skills.
Did you attend a couple of PD events in 2014 that challenged your existing body of knowledge? Yes? No? If not, why not? You could consider a PD weekend as a vaccine to clinical burnout; a small dose of bright ideas that infuses throughout your clinical practice providing clinical longevity. How about, in 2015 taking the risk and climbing out of a groove?
Your Groove Busting Opportunities
Some of these courses are just being confirmed, so keep an eye on the website for updated details.
Creating PD Opportunities
New grads and those living in rural localities, find it hard for financial and personal reasons to attend PD. We don’t want barriers and when possible AAP Education offers discounts or scholarships to encourage participation. Our profession needs new grads to develop the life long ‘yearn to learn’ and helping country professionals is a no brainer - it is tough working professionally in rural and remote locations for many reasons, and we need passionate and skilled health professionals in the bush.
When AAP Education conducts the Mulligan Upper and Lower Quadrant courses we offer a $150 discount off the normal course fee for new graduates and for the Vestibular Basic Course (5 day) we are offering 5 * $1000 scholarships. These scholarships are directly targeted to reward those rural and remote health professionals that have committed themselves to working in these locations and assisting their communities. AAP Education would like to help them in turn achieve this important provision of service.
Website changes for 2015
With the ever present drive towards mobile technology and people using their smart phones for > 60% of internet access, over Christmas we are moving the AAP Education website to a mobile focused interface, so as to make your interactions as user friendly as possible. Don’t worry, the layout will remain pretty much the same, just the mobile functionality will be improving.
Finally I would like to thank all course attendees for their support, feedback and great ideas and our amazing course presenters, for coming on-board, developing quality PD and making 2014 such a success.
One sunset leads to another sunrise! Safe holidays and I look forward to seeing you in 2015.
All the best,
Doug Cary FACP Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009) PhD Candidate Curtin University Clinical Director AAP Education
email: doug@aapeducation.com.au
ph/fx: 08 90715055
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You are free to use material from the Blog in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live website link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read: "By Doug Cary FACP of AAP Education. Please visit our website at www.aapeducation.com.au for additional clinical articles and resources on post graduate education for health professionals" (Please make sure the link is live if placed in an eZine or in a web site.)
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