As previously discussed I recently had the pleasure of learning from Jeremy Lewis about the management of rotator cuff conditions using exercise prescription. Importantly, how the evidence is strongly in favor of this approach in comparison to other interventions available; including medications and surgery.

Being a ‘move well, stay well’ proponent, living and breathing exercise prescription everyday can make it seem passé. However when you see a client who has been given a downloaded exercise sheet and oral instructions of “do this twice a day,” it flies in the face of the skill required when correctly prescribing exercises. Whether assessing and determining a movement dysfunction in the shoulder or lumbar spine, the assessment findings, combined with an understanding of tissue irritability, guides the clinician’s to prescribe a specific exercise regime.
For the same reason I am very much looking forward to attending Nick Clark’s courses, which will be focusing on assessment, intervention and rehabilitation of the lower limb. We don’t normally see comprehensive lower limb courses like this in our professional development calendar, but these courses will be available in Perth, Melbourne and Sydney - so take advantage of this opportunity.
However, I was really wanting to highlight something that was professionally a big step forward for me when preparing for my specialisation in 2009. This was vestibular assessment and appropriate treatment. Living 900km from civilization (Perth), meant I was lacking local resources for such a specialised field. I had heard about this bloke (Alec Ring) in Perth that only treated such clients, and so I rang, asking if I could observe him treating when I next visited Perth. - if you are reading this Alec, thanks a heap for your generosity, it made all the difference for my preparation.

Fast forward and Alec has agreed to conduct a course on Vestibular Rehabilitation in December this year. If you treat clients that present with ‘dizziness’, it is important to determine the source and type of ‘dizziness’ as it can me quite different animals for different people. With a neuro background you might think peripheral vestibular apparatus, a MSK background, perhaps upper cervical joints or VBI, a trigger point background - masseter, or a geriatric background - all of the above simultaneously! The point is there are many causes of the same symptom and we need to use our subjective and objective skills to determine the correct cause. For this reason I would highly recommend attending this course - it has helped me assist so many people, through correct assessment and treatment, that have often struggled for weeks if not months on GP prescribed stemetil, or told ‘this will settle with time’. In the case of BPPV (benign paroxysmal positional vertigo) the effect is often instant and the client sees getting their life back as nothing short of miraculous. And they certainly let their friends know as well!
So in 2014, AAP Education is very happy to be able to offer an Introductory Vestibular Workshop in December, taught by Alec and Tony.
Building on this workshop AAP Education is presenting a comprehensive 5-day Basic Vestibular Course being held in Melbourne. Presented by an international faculty, lead by Prof. Susan Herdman and supported by Australian practitioners, this is a truly unique opportunity to learn from the world’s best in vestibular assessment and rehabilitation.
For those that have successfully completed the Basic Vestibular Course (yes, there is a certification process ☺) there follows a 3 day Advanced Vestibular Course.
Student Specials

We at AAP Education believe strongly in the ongoing commitment to professional development, as a means of individuals progressing their clinical skills and as a profession being able to offer high quality, effective services. Both of the following courses have available generous options for recent or financially challenged graduates to encourage their participation in professional development.
The Mulligan Upper Quadrant Course offers a limited number of $150 discount to the normal investment for new and recent graduates. This is one of the ‘must do course’ for practitioners in private practice or hospital outpatients.
The Vestibular Basic Course has available 5 scholarship places, each worth $1000 each. Applications are not yet open but expressions of interest can be sent to me.
New Course Confirmation
Please note Shaun O’Leary has kindly offered to present his Integrated Solutions for Head and Neck Pain in May in Perth. Fresh back from a presentation of this course in Norway, it would be really good to support his trip west, so we can learn what advances and treatment approaches are being taught at UQ in this challenging clinical region.
All the best,
Doug Cary FACP Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009) PhD Candidate Curtin University Clinical Director AAP Education
email: doug@aapeducation.com.au
ph/fx: 08 90715055
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