Course Updates
Adelaide Course
It is a great pleasure to be offering colleagues in Adelaide the chance to attend Jeremy Lewis's The Shoulder: Theory & Practice. Conducted around Australia and internationally this is a very popular course. Places are limited and the course is now listed on our website for enrolment.
Professional Development Special Offers - Students + Rural & Remote Practitioners
We at AAP Education believe strongly in the ongoing commitment to professional development, as a means of individuals progressing their clinical skills and as a profession being able to offer high quality, effective services. Both of the following courses have available generous options for recent or financially challenged graduates to encourage their participation in professional development.
The Mulligan Upper Quadrant Course offers a limited number of $150 discount to the normal investment for new and recent graduates. This is one of the ‘must do course’ for practitioners in private practice or hospital outpatients.
A big thanks to Mark Oliver for providing this course on November 22/23.
The Vestibular Basic Course has available 5 scholarship places, each worth $1000 each. In discussion with members on the Vestibular committee, we are trying to encourage those clinicians committed to rural and remote locations to attend professional development. Personally coming from such a region, I strongly appreciate their efforts in financially assisting practitioners from such jurisdictions.
So if you are committed to working in the bush, consider their generous assistance and add this skill to your 2015 wish list.
All the best,
Doug Cary FACP Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009) PhD Candidate Curtin University Clinical Director AAP Education
email: doug@aapeducation.com.au
ph/fx: 08 90715055
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You are free to use material from the Blog in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live website link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read: "By Doug Cary FACP of AAP Education. Please visit our website at www.aapeducation.com.au for additional clinical articles and resources on post graduate education for health professionals" (Please make sure the link is live if placed in an eZine or in a web site.)
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