Clinical Kit 13/5/2015 Men's Health Week | Ubble Risk Calculator

AAP Education

'MoMENts In Time' - Men's Health Week June 15-21 2015

Looking at men’s health across age groups there are several challenges, important to identify, that we can choose to become involved in.



Younger Males

Suicide accounts for slightly more than one-quarter of all male deaths in the 20-24 year old age group.

Action: As participants in society, we all need to remain alert to the challenges facing our younger males and help them develop the necessary skills to manage a changing and complex environment.


Research shows that fathers as role models have a particularly strong influence on encouraging healthy eating patterns in children. This is the same for exercising, reading, communication and manners.

Action: Develop and encourage positive role models for young males, as this will provide a great springboard into life.

Older Males

There is generally a secret squirrels society when it comes to discussions about prostate cancer, and side effects after treatment like urinary incontinence and sexual impotence. With 22,000 cases per year, so many males are suffering in silence and often not knowing how to move forward. A great bloke’s book on this subject, written by physiotherapist Craig Allingham, is called Prostate Recovery Men’s Action Plan.

Action: You could pick up a copy online and it is great to recommend to clients.

With males living longer, “Australian males born in 2007 can expect to live 24 years longer than males born in 1901” comes the reality of needing to stay active, to enjoy those extra 24 years. Fitness equates to physical independence, in much the same way that superannuation equates to financial independence. By putting in regular, consistent deposits into the fitness bank (exercising) you are significantly improving the chances of an independent later lifestyle. Want to delay the nursing home, start exercising today!

Action: Let us all encourage, provide alternatives and assist males in seeing the bigger picture when it comes to being healthy. A great example of this has just been reported in the BJSM from a longitudinal study in Norway. They found  that just 30 minutes of activity, regardless of intensity was a beneficial as giving up smoking - and meant that elderly men were 40% less likely of dying early cf sedentary males of same age. If the activity level was moderate to vigorous, there was a 5 year increase in life.

More Information

The UbbLE's Risk Calculator

Recently published research in the Lancet has identified the key 11-13 factors for males and females that will indicate the risk of dying in the next  5 years. Possibly taken as a morbid consideration, it could also be taken as a 'call to arms' to change around some habits for the positive.

If you are between the age of 40 - 70 years you can find out your risk and how this translates into your 'true' age cf your chronological age.

Here is the link then select Risk Calculator. You can also explore the variables that make up the calculator. Select Associations Explorer.

All the best,

Doug Cary FACP
Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009)
PhD Candidate Curtin University
Clinical Director AAP Education


ph/fx: 08 90715055

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