2 minutes reading time (318 words)

Ax IP MTPs | Is CPR important? | New iPhone Ex App

I just recently completed a great 6 days in Perth teaching 2 Introductory/Refresher courses and one Advanced Lower Quadrant Course.

Here is a YouTube video link for an example of what an iliopsoas trigger point jump sign looks like when needling. The video has sound.

Do you think CPR is important?

If you do and you also believe that as an important skill you need to continually practice to remind yourself of the correct technique, then you are like me. In the same way as practitioners of manual therapy I think it is just as important to continually refresh our anatomy skills. Access to wet laboratories is difficult and this is why we have negotiated exclusive access to the UWA labs. Our Anatomy Labs enable you to review relevant anatomical specimens of both the Upper and Lower Limbs and the Spine - all during a succinct two hour period. Details for our next workshop are available here and places are limited. Keep your skills fresh and act now.

Early Notice - iPhone App for your Client's Exercise Programs 

Have you ever wanted to prescribe exercises but felt constrained by your drawing skills or the proforma program available in your clinic?

Have you had clients come back, demonstrating 'one of your exercises', but you had never taught it!

I certainly did, and this was the genesis of VideoXs - Total Client Customisation and Total Clinician Flexibility

Totally Client Specific

VideoXs is completely personalized for your client’s needs. No stick figures, photocopies or photographs/videos of a model doing ‘standard’ exercises. VideoXs allows you to completely customise how an exercise is performed and then provides exact feedback to the client, showing them doing exactly what you asked them to do. Period. More app information can be found here and app store VideoXs links here . No more limitations in the world of exercise prescription.


All the best




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