All Has Not Been Quiet On The Western Shore!
Apologies, no Clinical Kit as spare time in the past few weeks have been tied up with preparation for presentations at the APA conference. Kinda newbie at this stuff, and it seems to take a fair chunk of time pulling together all required information. If you are also going to be there in October, would love to catch up.
The hidden aspects of tumors presenting as musculoskeletal presentations has been one of my most popular blogs series (30,000 total + hits) series. I was fortunate enough to be studying Manips in Perth, 1992 at Curtin, when Mr Gregory Grieve visited. He presented a talk of the same name and raised my awareness, that as a primary contact practitioner there is a strong possibility of seeing tumors in my day to day clinical practice.
Some of my experiences were presented initially in my Clinical Kit Red flag series; they can now be found in my Creating Clinical Success blog. Links provided if you have not previously read (Tumor 1, Tumor 2, Tumor 3). The MPA has invited me to present a 20 minute talk around the topic of red flags and I will be detailing some more case studies and experiences.
Pre Conference Course
The Acupuncture & Dry Needling Group asked if I could co-present a pre conference day course with a mix of theory and practical around the lumbopelvic area. I will be discussing safety issues, and showing how I palpate boney landmarks, relate them to clinical assessment and teach needling techniques of the lumbar spine & buttock. Later in the session I am presenting a case study and hopefully we will have time for a live case study.
Autonomic Nervous System
Regulating all we don't think about, the ANS has risen to be an area of interest for me because of my masters research into sleep (or rather lack of it). With approximately 30% of population having forms of insomnia (there are many and definitions vary) it has a particularly negative effect on people in pain (our client population). Not sleeping well is a strong prognostic indicator for poor recovery from injury and therefore potentially sets people up for a chronic pain situation. So determining ways to assist people to improve their sleep hygiene is very important. Like all issues relating to complex pain, there is no one single answer for all and I will be outlining some possibilities.
Masters Research
We spend 1/3 of our lives sleeping and I have been clinically intrigued that little to no research has been carried out on the importance of posture while asleep. We all know posture influences day time symptoms, so what about night. Over the past 4 years I have been developing a valid & reliable method to assess nocturnal posture in the domestic environment, and I am submitting the findings as an electronic poster presentation (in collaboration with my supervisors, A/Prof Kathy Briffa and A/Prof Michele Sterling).
Upcoming Courses 2013
1 Day Outcomes and Screening Tools Workshop
Conducted by Dr Phil Gabel, we have confirmed dates and venues in Melbourne and Sydney for this workshop. Phil examines the importance of using outcomes measures; which ones, whys and hows they will direct and add clarity to your treatments. Not just theoretical, you will work through actual case studies to solidify your learning. Outcome measures are ideal to include in written reports, they provide client motivation and often satisfy 3rd party reporting requirements. Having a good grasp on outcome measures will assist your personal clinical understanding & the value of treatment direction. This workshop also looks at screening tools and their use in clinical practice. You can download a course outline from the Outcomes & Screening Tools page.
Master Needling Course
The culmination of the AAP Education Dry Needling Program, the Master Needling Course is being held this year in November in association with a Wet Lab Anatomy Workshop in Perth. Past participants that have completed both Advanced Courses and practiced for an additional 12 months are now invited to enrol. Providing a opportunity to review & consolidate all previous techniques, plus incorporate new approaches and current research, this 2 day course ensures you have a strong grasp on dry needling different tissues, western medical acupuncture and an understanding of associated topics.
All the best,
Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist
email doug@aapeducation.com.au
ph/fx 08 90715055
You are free to use material from the Blog in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including live website link. Please also notify me where the material will appear. The attribution should read: "By Doug Cary FACP of AAP Education. Please visit our website at www.aapeducation.com.au for additional clinical articles and resources on post graduate education for health professionals" (Please make sure the link is live if placed in an eZine or in a web site.)