You may have noticed (or may not), that in the August edition of InMotion there is on page 8 a heading "How well would your patient records stand up in court?" A fair question in today's environment. It is not enough to be aiming to do the right thing for your clients, but you must also be able to demonstrate this to an inquiring external body. One area highlighted in the article relates to your exercise programs.
Often a key part of our treatment is the identification of strength, flexibility or motor performance deficits in relation to a client's problem. Once you identified these key factors and determined the best exercise(s) to address the problems, how do you ensure that your client practices them correctly? It takes on average 16 days to learn a new habit (with a wide standard deviation), so they need to have very concrete learning cues for several weeks. If they practice the wrong exercise, at the least, it will be time wasted or at worse, increase their symptoms. With the then possibility, they will blame you and not return or consider some legal proceedings. How will your clinical records prove that you didn't teach the aggravating exercise(s)?
This is one reason I developed and daily use VideoXs. By taking a still picture (ideal for stretches) or video (ideal for movement patterns and cued voice commands) of your client, you have the complete visual cue for your exercise. And they love seeing themselves cf to a model. Annotate text for reps, holds, sets and special comments (voice to text) and you have a complete record.
Clients receive their program via email. A cc. is sent to your clinic (great for future reference) as a pdf, for annotation to the client's enotes or printed for inclusion with written notes. The printing feature is great for older folks if they find computers and emails daunting.
These are just some of the features of VideoXs and for a single, one off investment of $18.99. The app is self contained, can be shared with 3 users and you don't need to have an ongoing subscription, no set up fees and no annual licenses. You can find out more information here or go direct to iTunes here.
All the best,
Doug Cary FACP Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009) PhD Candidate Curtin University Clinical Director AAP Education
email: doug@aapeducation.com.au
ph/fx: 08 90715055
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