Time for our APA to Walk the Talk

I picked up InMotion today and only got in 6 pages before I saw red.  Some of you have been asking what has happened with the APA and AAP Education. I was thinking that myself. Back in Feb, I was asked to participate in a phone link up with James and Cris to 'sort out some issues' in regards to the provision of PD and 'external ' providers. Firstly I explained that I thought the APA was going in the wrong direction in regards to PD, by limiting those parties that wanted to provide PD offerings to physios. Physiotherapy is diverse and physios love diversity. 'Let the market decide what it wants to support', is my opinion. This in clinical terms is equal to 'feedback or post-treatment ass...

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Employment Conditions & Professionalism

Just completed an awesome course in Perth with a great group of physiotherapists. Really appreciated their insight and some great questions in regards to dry needling and acupuncture. One of the aside discussions that took place centered around employment and employment conditions. One of the features of these courses is the chance for the sharing of ideas around both clinical and non clinical topics. From this discussion and other recent ones, it would seem that many physios are being still being employed under the old system of a % fee for service arrangement. In association with this %, they receive no employee entitlements like holiday pay (or leave loading) or sick pay. Some are even being told this % includes their...

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Jeremy Lewis - The Shoulder: Theory & Practice

Hi Just returned from Perth and attending Jeremy Lewis's course, The Shoulder: Theory & Practice. The course reminded me of playing with LEGO as a kid. Block by block, I would construct the next Taj Mahal. In the same way Jeremy has put together this course, using blocks of research over a period of time. An evolving work, it provides clinicians with a structured protocol, going from assessment to treatment, backed by research, at a time when there is greater awareness of the lack of sensitivity or specificity of orthopaedic tests and inappropriateness of early surgical intervention. The first LEGO block looked at the epidemiology of shoulder pain. In the field of MSK pain the frequency of shoulder pain is less...

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Exercise Programs & Your Legal Requirements

Hi You may have noticed (or may not), that in the August edition of InMotion there is on page 8 a heading "How well would your patient records stand up in court?" A fair question in today's environment. It is not enough to be aiming to do the right thing for your clients, but you must also be able to demonstrate this to an inquiring external body. One area highlighted in the article relates to your exercise programs. Often a key part of our treatment is the identification of strength, flexibility or motor performance deficits in relation to a client's problem. Once you identified these key factors and determined the best exercise(s) to address the problems, how do you ensure that...

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May Perth Course | DOMS experiment | On the Farm

Hi - Introductory Dry Needling Boy did we have some fun! Just an awesome group of practitioners came together for the May/June Introductory Dry Needling Course. Some courses just flow and this was one. Here are a couple of pics of the happy tribe hard at work.  Feed back from this course was very positive; How interesting was this course? Interesting 18% Very Interesting: 82%As a physiotherapist how relevant was this course to your work? Interesting 18% Very Interesting: 82%The education level of the information presented was: Interesting 12% Very Interesting: 88%Would you recommend this course to other therapists? Yes 100% Physio and Pharming Reason for getting to this post a bit later than usual, is that my 'spare time' has...

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Treasure Hunts and Your Credit Rating

Hi Do you enjoy a treasure hunt? I recently found this 'treasure map' and had quite a bit of fun looking up family and friends names, to see how much money was sitting in a bank waiting for them to claim. Finding Unpaid Monies – Little Pots of Gold Did you know there maybe stashes of cash, that for one reason or another, you don’t know about and are waiting for you to claim? There are different government organisations that hold this information. At a federal level it is organised by ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) and it seems at a state level it is organised by the relevant Treasury department (State or Territory). At a federal level, go to...

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Symantec/Nortons Software - Beware

My first rant I have been using PC Tools Internet software for many years on all computers and been really happy. It turns out that recently it was 'purchased/morphed' by Symantec (the dark lord :<). Somewhere in the transition Symantec has decided to roll Nortons and PC Tools into one and cancelled my subscription with PC Tools so now it doesn't work. I contact PC Tools by live chat and they say I need to deactivate my license with Nortons before they can activate the PC Tools one again (even though I have never paid Nortons money nor subscribed to any of their programs). I phoned Nortons and after being transferred and then waiting 25 mins I hung up and start...

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New Infection Control in Dry Needling & Acupuncture Report Version 2.0

Infection Control Report Version 2.0 Following the recent release of the 2013 Immunisation Handbook Guidelines and the new AHPRA Chinese Medicine Board guidelines I have updated my "Infection Control in Dry Needling and Acupuncture Report" to include this latest information. Expanded to 20 pages, it contains new sections on managing needle stick injuries, necessity or not of swabbing and correct swab disposal. New members will receive the full report when first joining - see here Existing Bronze Members can download it from Member > Resources > Resources Gateway > Documents > AAP Education documents >2103 Infection Control in Dry Needling & Acupuncture Report_LR. Remember to log in first! If you have any questions regarding the content, please let me know. All...

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Jack & his Paper Strip

   In researching information for my presentation Masqueraders (see All Has Not Been Quiet On The Western Shore!) at this years APA Conference in Melbourne, I noticed the exceptionally poor prognosis when diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.   Sure more people die from lung cancer, but if you are diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, your 5 year survival rate is basically less than 5% and this figure has hardly changed in the past 30 years. The poor survival rate relates back to the method of diagnosis that is poorly specific, expensive and only detects cancer late in the disease process - too late really for effective therapy.   That may all be about to change as the result of some ingenuity and heavy...

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What do you call a group of Physios?

In English, collective nouns referring to groups of animals are often colourful and unusual; for example, a school of whales, hover of trout, murder of crows, or, my favourite, a parliament of owls.

Frustrated with Home Exercise Program Compliance?

Have you ever felt constrained by your drawing skills or the proforma program available in your clinic when prescribing a home exercises program?

Have you had clients come back, demonstrating 'one of your exercises', but you had never taught it!

Youtube Video Popliteus & Quadratus lumborum

for those interested in the upcoming AAP Education Advanced Lower Quadrant, Adelaide and Perth courses,

Youtube Video | New Dry Needling Resources

I have just posted a couple of links to  videos for upper-quadrant course techniques;

1. Subscapularis 

2. Upper Trapezius

I have added some extra dry-needling resources for Bronze members under the AAP Education section.