Hi -
 Introductory Dry Needling
Boy did we have some fun! Just an awesome group of practitioners came together for the May/June Introductory Dry Needling Course. Some courses just flow and this was one. Here are a couple of pics of the happy tribe hard at work.
Feed back from this course was very positive;
- How interesting was this course? Interesting 18% Very Interesting: 82%
- As a physiotherapist how relevant was this course to your work? Interesting 18% Very Interesting: 82%
- The education level of the information presented was: Interesting 12% Very Interesting: 88%
- Would you recommend this course to other therapists? Yes 100%
Physio and Pharming
Reason for getting to this post a bit later than usual, is that my 'spare time' has been gobbled up on the farm. Primarily we have been going through the first of two phases of artificial insemination for the cows. This involves no less that 4 trips in a week, up to the yards for insertion and removal of progesterone pods, and multiple injections to ensure the herd is all ovulating at the same time and peaking when the vet arrives for the final act. Coming up to the yards is generally not high on the herd's interest level, but today bringing then up for insemination, reminded me of watching a school of whales from behind, all rising and falling as they mounted each other continuously on the walk up the lane way. Plenty of energy.
Autumn is also a time for clean up - so lots of fun with the chainsaw, big bonfires, and as a result yummy camp oven dinners with damper and golden syrup under the stars to finish the day (no screens!!). Plus seeding our annual hay crop.
Dry Needling & DOMS
A question for you. How effective have you found dry needling on clients with DOMS?
If you have some experience would love to hear what you have found. Please leave a post at the end.
If you haven't considered this before, a good way to see the direct effect would be to treat one side with dry needling (albeit there is a generalised effect on pain from 'deep needling') and monitor the subjective changes over the next 24/24 (pain diary). Try several large/key muscles, going just to the fascial boundary and leave in situ for 5-10 minutes (so long as you know they aren't strong reactors).
Putting together thoughts and a review about trigger points and their origin, but looking at it from a clinical direction. Catch up with you soon.
PS Don't forget your only opportunity this year to catch Mark Oliver and his legendary SIJ and Pelvis Course - Mulligan Style
All the best,
Doug Cary FACP Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009) PhD Candidate Curtin University Clinical Director AAP Education
email: doug@aapeducation.com.au
ph/fx: 08 90715055
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