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Treasure Hunts and Your Credit Rating

AAP Education


Do you enjoy a treasure hunt? I recently found this 'treasure map' and had quite a bit of fun looking up family and friends names, to see how much money was sitting in a bank waiting for them to claim.

Finding Unpaid Monies – Little Pots of Gold

Did you know there maybe stashes of cash, that for one reason or another, you don’t know about and are waiting for you to claim? There are different government organisations that hold this information. At a federal level it is organised by ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) and it seems at a state level it is organised by the relevant Treasury department (State or Territory).

At a federal level, go to the ASIC Moneysmart website which provides a search engine for lost money from shares, bank accounts and life insurance. In addition it has useful tools like switching mortgage calculators, investing guidelines, scams awareness, life events planning plus a lot of general financial advice.

The 2013 update of W.A.’s Treasury Unclaimed Money Register is now complete and available via inspection at the W.A. Treasury's On-line Search facility. Nearly 40,000 new amounts totaling $7.8 million are now available for public inspection, and you maybe one of the lucky ones. Claim forms, directions on how to lodge a claim, and further information regarding Unclaimed Monies are available on W.A.Treasury's website. A quick browser search will locate those for other jurisdictions.

Good luck searching!

Finding & Changing Your Credit File

Do you know what your credit file looks like?

Your credit file is an important asset, recording details of your dealings with credit providers. It includes information that maybe used by lenders as part of their credit assessment process, such as previous applications you’ve made, names of lenders currently providing credit to you, and details of overdue debts.

It is a fact, for most of us that we have debt, and part of the process of applying for debt (usually through banks) means someone is going to conduct a credit rating search. Your file includes both personal identification information, as well as credit-related information. This may include consumer credit details, business or commercial credit details, and public-record information. There maybe information that is out of date or otherwise jeopardizing your application for credit, that you don’t even know. Solution. Simple. Apply for your own credit file and it is free.

What you need to do is send a signed letter requesting a copy of your credit file to;
Veda Advantage
PO Box 964
North Sydney NSW 2059.

You will need to include;

  • full name
  • date of birth
  • copy of driver’s licence
  • employer’s details
  • copies of 2 additional forms of ID

It takes about three weeks to receive your credit report. After reviewing it, if you find any details that are incorrect, you can apply to Veda to have them amended.

All the best,

Doug Cary FACP
Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (awarded by Australian College of Physiotherapy, 2009)
PhD Candidate Curtin University
Clinical Director AAP Education

email: doug@aapeducation.com.au

ph/fx: 08 90715055


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