Special Edition: New WA Workers' Compensation Act - Do you know how it will affect you?

Potentially this may affect you in two ways. Firstly, as a business owner (WC insurance is compulsory with a $15000 fine) and secondly, as a clinician interacting with injured employees. The enactment of the Workers Compensation and Injury Management Act 2023 in October 2023 marks a new era in workers' compensation in Western Australia. The WCIMA23 is a complete rewrite of the prior legislation, the Workers' Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981 and will come into effect on 1 July 2024. Disclaimer: The following is a synthesis of information from various sources for your benefit. However, as every person's situation varies, do your research and don't rely solely on this before making i...

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Clinical Kit - 16/7/2015 - Part 1 Employee or Contractor: Are you who you think you are?

You may have noticed or read that the ATO is currently in the process of writing to a number of taxpayers who are providing personal services, to clarify if provided as a business or individual. A bit confused about the difference then read on.. Employee or Independent Contractor - What's Your Status? In talking with lots of physios over the past 18/12, there is some degree of confusion in regards to the status of individuals either as employees or contractors. As a result of this  I have asked Workforce Advisors Group to help provide some clarity in this area. Due to the volume of the information I have divided this into 2 parts. The first part will provide background information and...

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